


The classic facelift procedure is a surgery aimed at reducing the signs of aging such as facial wrinkles, jowls, and sagging neck and jaw-line. It lifts the cheeks and tends to give a rested appearance. It will give a scar that is usually well hidden as it goes from the temple around the ear into the hairline behind the ear. It can be combined with eyelid procedures (blepharoplasty), a forehead lift, or other non-invasive procedures like Botox, fillers, and skin care regimes. The effects of the facelift are permanent but will still succumb to the effects of further aging and gravity.

Recovery from a facelift begins with a large bandage, like a turban, which you will go home with. You will be seen in the office in the next day or two after surgery for a checkup but contact the office earlier if you have any concerns of severe pain, swelling or difficulty breathing. Some stitches will be removed within 7 days to minimize scarring. Risks of a facelift include bleeding, infection, scars, wound healing problems, numbness and facial asymmetry, hair loss, swelling, bruising, and pain. Pain is usually not a significant feature of a facelift. Bruising and swelling are the main reasons for patients to stay off of work or ‘out of sight’ while healing. This period may last from 2-6 weeks. Scar therapy is important to minimize the scars and this includes scar massage to speed scar softening. Scars will fade over the course of the year. Some scars may be thick or wide but most heal well and are well hidden.

Instruction for Pre and Post Surgery
muted colored sketch of a woman face